Friday, November 9, 2012

Why Baptize Children: Part 1

      Today will be the introduction of several posts talking about who is to be baptized highlighting the Presbyterian view that Believers and their children are to be baptized. Later on I will be looking at the other side of the issue of baptism which is the mode or more commonly known the debate of full immersion, sprinkling or pouring.

     One of the first things I must mention is that too often there is a misconception that there is only 2 views on baptism, believers’ baptism and then infant baptism. In actuality there are actually 3 different types of infant baptism, each with their own defense and reasons as well as understanding of what happens.

1.       Roman Catholic: Believe in what is called Baptismal regeneration, which basically says the act of baptism saves.

2.       Reformed: This is the view I hold and is what I will be discussing in this post.

3.       Lutheran: Basically fits between Catholic and Reformed. I have a basic understanding of this but not enough to comment properly.

      For simplicity’s sake I will be referring to the 2 views I will be talking about by their formal names. Credobaptist, (credo means “I believe” in Latin) which is the believers baptism as held by Baptists, Pentecostal and so forth. Then there is Paedobaptist, (paedo is child in Latin) again in this context this means specifically the reformed view held by Presbyterians, Dutch Reformed, and some Congregationalists.

      Most Credos start with “I don’t believe in infant baptism because I think you have to believe to be saved.” At which I would say “good so do I as would any well informed Paedobaptist.” I think also it’s good to note that Paedobaptists are also Credobaptists. Let’s say a person raised in a home where he was never ever baptized, they then grow up and attend a Presbyterian church were they come to believe. Then that person would baptized on the fact that they believe (credo) however we would also understand scripture to teach that baptism is also meant to be for the children of believers as well (paedo), so we believe both.
Next time I will go more into detail about what Paedobaptists believe Baptism does as well as the reason why we believe children of believers are to be baptized.

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