Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Myth of Non-Denominationalism

Its been awhile since my last post, I'm not always the best at keeping up on this blog thing. I've been thinking about the topic of denominationalism/non denominationalism lately and I wanted to write down some of my thoughts here.  I'm sure we have heard people say things around the lines of “Get rid of denominations, we just need to all be one.”  or “I'm anti denominational, we just need to follow the Bible.” I happen to agree with the anti denomination crowd. We should just get rid of denominations and follow the Bible which will make us all Presbyterian.

Now im being facetious when I say that but I mean some truth to it as well. If we are with the denominations that we in for  reasons other than it has the most rocking worship team in town. Then i would fully expect to hear someone say: “We should just get rid of denominations and follow the Bible which will make us all Anglican.” supplant Anglican with Baptist, Lutheran, Catholic as your denominational affiliation requires. The truth is when we say we should get rid of denominations, what we really are saying is they need to end so that my denomination can shine through, and take its rightful place as the one true church in the world.

 I find nothing wrong with this, in fact I would respect someone because at least there honest. I respect someone who is firm in there belief even when I think there wrong. When I meet a Baptist who knows what he believes and why, I assume for him  a perfect world of no denominations would have all Christians beings Baptist, and I can have allot of respect for that. And i hope that he would assume that to me in a perfect non-denominational world all Christians would be baptizing there baby’s, teaching them the Catechism singing the psalter and going to Presbytery meetings for fun. Lets stop living the anti-denomination delusion and come to grips that it is only a  attempt at seeming pious, that is really just a hidden form of denominationalism.

 Even if your one of those Christians who hold to the “Beetles Theology” (All We Weed Is Love) and want us all to stop caring about denominations so much, and to sit around a camp fire singing kumbaya and braiding each others hair. Even then what your really saying is “My denomination (even if its not a official one) is the right one  and you all need to join me, or you will be going against the Bible.” The anti-denominational ruse is really just a veiled way of trying to impose your denomination on someone else, at least back in the day people were honest about the fact they were trying to convert Catholics into Protestants and vice versa.
Now I understand that those that are against denominations are not deceptively and maliciously trying to convert others to there line of thinking. I hope though that I have shown how non-denominationalism is really  not possible.

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